Has a Montesori school been a good fit for your child with high functioning autism? Any feedback would be helpful. My daughter will be entering middle school and has dealt with bullying and social awkwardness.
My son is currently attending a Montessori school. It has help my son with his social skills. So I am pleased so far. He has also made some friends as well. I don't know if your school district has shadows {someone who id dedicated to you child during school. They help enforce what the teacher is teaching and help keep them focus and keep them on track}. That has also help my son also..
Thank you for the feedback. Glad to hear you have had a good experience. Hoping for the same for my daughter. She will be starting the new school in September. Since it is a private Montesori school they do not have the same supports that a public school has. Thanks again!
Montosori Based ABA
Does Anyone Have Any Experience With A Waldorf Or Maybe A Montessori School?
Teaching Multiplication Tables