Aba Therapy
What is Aba therapy ?
aw thanks @A MyAutismTeam Member I try to be helpful....
So "ABA" is a broad term meaning 'simply' applied behavior analysis, which means in the broadest sense looking at behavior and why it is or isn't happening...they "why" is always because of the learned consequences when that behavior happened previously.
"Discrete Trial Training" is almost always what people are referring to when they say "ABA" is the treatment for autism. in DTT it is very programed to reinforce the target behavior/s so it is a "do this" and "get that" type of method....as a VERY basic explaination.
However, "ABA" also can be "verbal behavior approach" which 'simply' means a focus on communication (not necessarily verbal speech) and again focuses on the WHY we do things and getting/programing reinforcement for desired behaviors.
There is NET (Natural Environment Training) that is also an "ABA" method which means that learning opportunities are captured as they occur....so someone might think of target skills/behaviors and come with many ideas on how to teach that in context of every day naturally occurring activities.
It is important to know what type of "ABA" a provider/agency uses, and their own why. Programs should always target skills that are going to make the biggest impact on a person's life.
"Reinforcement" by definition means some consequence that makes it more likely a behavior will happen in the future...."Punishment" simply means a consequence that makes a behavior less likely to happen int he future.
@A MyAutismTeam Member the only negatives comes from the humans who implement programs...not in the method itself. With well trained (I can't think of an appropriate word for it, so went with "trained") professionals ABA only has benefits to offer....but like any teaching method when poorly implemented problems can occur of course. I also used the word "professionals" however I have known many "laypeople" who can "do ABA" very very well and sometimes better than those with letters behind their name... You are right the it is "just helping/teaching ways for our children to on in society" that is the bottom line of ABA. :)
I looked up "Star approach" and it IS "ABA" even though they say it is much more than "ABC" (antecendent, behavior, consequence) analysis... Some people (even highly educated ones) get stuck on "ABA" as only the very very basic 'animal behavior/training", or punishment only, poorly designed discrete trial. ALOT of "ABA" is dependent on the individual therapist creating and implementing the program. ABA is very misunderstood and many people have created "different" approaches because of the "negatives" associated with ABA, but all of the effectives I have seen that say they are "not" ABA or are "more" are actually just GOOD ABA. ;)
Interesting... I haven't heard of Iceberg or Start analysis, but will be looking them up ;). UK most definitely has "ABA" it might be called other things, but it is a worldwide concept, though I do believe it is most widely promoted in the US.... love learning about world ;)
Ah thank-you , never heard of it before.
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