Further Diagnosis
My daughter (7 years old) already has an ASD diagnosis through our Regional Center. She received it years ago after already having received nearly two years of related services. She is what many would term "high-functioning" as she's mainstreamed at school with only pull out services for speech. This next school year she will also be pulled out for social behavior type classes.
I know anxiety can go hand-in-hand with ASD. More and more of her behaviors appear to me to be in response to… read more
Likely they hear this, but don't have a clue as to what anxiety is. Teachers will sit and nod and then keep on doing things that create anxiety. Mainstream teachers are not trained to deal with Anxiety or otherASD related issues - my experience.
If she’s now of school age (maybe depending on each state but) they typically have a kind of revaluation at that age and you’d be able to discuss the changes/behaviors that you’re seeing. Sometimes an individual might have additional diagnosis or conditions. Sometimes maybe they just need more or new services to help with the new behaviors. You can also see a therapist if you’d like another option.
So after reading your question I myself am thinking my son may be having underlined behavioral problems that may be from his anxiety and ocd. We got evaluated by the school as “high-functioning” as well and it seems to be a theme. If they’re high functioning, they’re too high functioning for special needs therapies in school and they don’t qualify to be in a so-called lower functioning environment. I myself made an appointment with the behavioral pediatrician who actually evaluated my son and he was able to tell me in his office, things that I can do for his OCD and anxiety that aren’t medication’s. He had me do blood work last week and we’re supposed to make an appointment to talk about changing his diet or changing other routines in his life that might help with the circumstances. I’m no expert this is very new to me as it’s only been about a month and a half and my son is only going to be five but I think if you look for a behavioral pediatrician that might be your best bet to help your daughter with her anxiety. I hope this helps! Your doing a great job 👏🏻
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