My Son Hates To Read Or Follow A Story. Any Idea Why And How To Get Him To Improve?
My son is 15, diagnosed as PDDNOS and will to to high school. Though he has shown remarkable progress each year, one area of concern remains: He does not want to read or follow a story. This affects his comprehension and performance in ELA. I am also afraid that this will make it very difficult for him to do self-study in future - unless I get to address this now.
Has anyone faced such a problem? Is there a diagnosis for this behavior/disability and does anyone know of any strategies on how to⦠read more
Might want to consider reading/looking into Visualizing and Verbalizing. Basically, many who "hate to read" have a poor ability to visualize as they read.
Thank you all for your very useful advice. I will try Lindemood Bell and work with him. No, he does not like to read comics. I am continuing to try and get him interested in comics, but no real progress there. Salil has worked a lot with his speech therapist on auditory and visual memory and has shown improvement, but no formal evaluation of vision processing or vision therapy. I will search the web for resources on these.....
Evaluate for vision processing and vision therapy and visual and auditory memory. Go to library and to Learning Ally and get books on tape. We also got videos from the library that our child chose and required her to watch with English subtitles on.
Does he like reading comic books or reading some books purely for fun?
I second that. Lindamood-Bell is the best program I have found. It is expensive and intensive. But I haven't seen any other program that seems to understand and address the needs of our kiddos with comprehension deficits.
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