My Son Is Starting To Spit Out A Lot Of His Food?
My nuerotypical and autistic son did this but both outgrew it after some years. My autistic son spat a lot but only does sometimes now. Now he likes to pour out cups.
My daughter would gag and vomit after eating. She'd run from the table and do that. I narrowed it down to texture of bread. Maybe it's a sensory to texture, taste, etc ?
How old is your son. My son has a spitting issue too. He has to carry a spit cup wherever he goes. I think it's common with Autistic kids. My son doesn't spit food but the spitting issue has been going on for some time.
Looking For Suggestions From Toronto Parents
My Son Is Starting To Spit Out A Lot Of His Food?
Help Ex Wont Give My Son His Meds.