Experience With Fluoxetine For OCD, SPD, Repetitive Behaviours?
Hi. My darling girl (8) has just taken her second dose of fluoxetine for ?ocd? repetitive, ritual behaviour from what we think is underlying tactile defensiveness and her perfection/ highly sensitive temperament. She has high IQ and diagnosed ASD but some of our therapists don't agree with the diagnosis. She is generally a smart, happy, high functioning person but... She gets very stuck for a significant portion of the day on parting her hair, dressing and showering. It is horrible for her and… read more
I am a psychiatric APRN in addition to mom of ASD 5 year old. Please see a specialist! A child psychiatrist would be great but a psych provider specializing in autism would be very best!
Having said that….(this is not medical advice but from mom who’s child takes Prozac and has OCD)but Prozac has been around for a million years, is very safe, has very few side effects and is also easy to stop. It will take a long time to find a specialist. It wouldn’t hurt to try it with your pediatrician while you wait to get in with a specialist. I also think everyone at any age can benefit from CBT therapy.
Also… if this is a sudden onset of OCD behavior, research PANDAS. Lots of Pediatric MDs miss it.
Hope this helps!
My OCD reared its head when I was 9. I've always been particular about things being "even," too....I remember being in elementary school and checking the seam of my pants to make sure it was perfectly centered, my socks had to be "just right," etc. I'm also autistic. I take Zoloft and Abilify for my anxiety and they work wonders! :) I've never taken fluoxetine but I hear a lot of good things about it.
Hello:) my 9 year old takes the same medication. She takes it for depression. I do though think it has also helped her with asd symptoms. It has been very effective in helping with her mood. It can take up to 6-8 weeks to see the full effects of the medication. All the best 🧡
My daughter has been taking this medication since being diagnosed w/ OCD at 11 years old. It's helped a lot with repetitive, germ phobia,and focus. It does tend to make one feel like they need to eat a lot so try to watch her portions if you don't want her to gain a lot of weight from it.
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