Does Anyone Know The First Step To Making A Gadianship For My 16 Year Old Son? I Would Really Appreciate Any Help.
Hmmm. We had a lawyer do our guardianship and he went to court with all of us. No one contested it. Do different states have different laws regarding guardianship?
No, it's a 'basic' thing the court does @A MyAutismTeam Member, You'll only need a Lawyer if someone Challenges it.
Ok thank you so much for your help.
Thank you Do I need a lawyer to do this ?
That'll happen when they are 18yo and the courts will 'award' Guardianship @A MyAutismTeam Member.
My 13 Year Old Repeats The Same Questions Even Though He Knows What My Answer Will Be And Is Happy With My Answer.
Transition To Adulthood But "between The Cracks" For Service Providers?