My Son Communicates With His Therapists But Not Us. Anyone Else Experienced This?
He is 2.5 years old and now knows 40 words. He says “up” when he wants to be picked up. Says “help” when he wants help and “go” when he wants to leave one room to another. However, I see this consistently with his aba therapists, and speech therapist but not so much at home where he just wants to play all the time and throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.
I think therapy and school probably feel like work and home feels like a relaxed environment. My son does things at school I can never get him to do at home. I think it feels like a different expectation of behaviors in different places but this is just a guess.
My son is nonverbal so no haven't experienced that. But my son will pretend like he can't do something to make me do it for him. Once I spoke to his teacher about helping him to do it she told me he already did it. I was like omg he's a slickster 😆
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