Chosing To Miss Therapy Sessions
I decided to pull my son from a block of group therapies 2 sessions for 3 weeks starting last week on 16th and 18th, he starts nursery school in September as do I (first 2 weeks parents are in the background and on hand if needs be) and I feel that since we only stopped with another therapist on the 15th July that we both need a break before acutual school starts. He has a holiday coming up soon and I just didnt fancy the group issues as a battle (hes not yet adjusted to groups of kids).. I… read more
My son's on break from therapy for the summer, and I pull him in the spring too. He does better going back in after a break. His therapists disagree but hey my kid gets to experience a carefree childhood just like anyone else.
My guy takes breaks from therapy when he needs some down time, my therapists have been really supportive of it. I was reluctant the first time, worried it might set him back, but it was exactly what he needed. After a few weeks he was ready to get back, and missing his sessions.
Also, sometimes too much is going on with the family, and we need a break for the well being of the family as a whole. Don’t feel guilty to take some time if you need it Katagood, this is a marathon, not a sprint. I’m very transparent with his therapists so there’s no misunderstanding about what we’re doing, too.
I hate it when therapists and other professionals think we don't know our kids just because they may see a different side to them. I think you did the right thing. YOU knew your baby needed the break and you gave it.
The real problem is that these therapists don't get paid if they don't work...
Thanks so much ladies. I also want to inplement eith the school the methods my therapist used and suggested backward chaining which is him starting group classes and such in reverse like last 5 minutes, then the next week 10 minutes, 15 etc etc...this will help him transition to sharing close spaces with other kids as he doesnt wish to engage them yet. His adult engagemebt skills are only just developing along with serious amounts of trust needed first. X
Yes jake and i both need a time out from theraoy to just rest and connect with each other
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