What Can I Do With My Son Who Has Started Lighting Fires.
Another thing that we started as a general rule was to keep anything
She seemed interested in (lighters, mailbox keys, screwdrivers, hammers, caulk, and glue) that could also be dangerous or cause damage put away in this same box in our closet. It’s hidden behind books, winter clothes etc. that has been working better than her learning not to touch/use those things. Maybe when she is older she will understand but until then keeping them locked away and hidden keeps our house safe and more peaceful.
How old is your daughter? My son was obsess with fire since the youngest age and still loves it now (he is now 14) the way we’ve been able to ‘control’ it is when we told him that anytime he would like to try lighting matches, lighter, fire etc. he had to come see me or dad and we will do it together. In our case it worked very well ;)
I had a similar issue with my aspie daughter at that age. We explained to her every day for about 6 months that fire is dangerous and we don’t play with fire or electric outlets. Then we hid all lighters and matches and kept locked away in a boring box in my closet. Eventually, she stopped trying and forgot about it. This habit of playing with fire came back when she was 10 and we went through the same process. She is now 12 and we still hide the lighters. Hang in there.
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