Good Schools In Irvine, California?
Hello, we've heard great things about the school districts in Irvine. My 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with moderate ASD. She's been in a special day class in San Leandro, CA and has been in every type of service since she was initially diagnosed (private OT, ABA, Speech and music therapy). The school has offered the basics, and not even OT! After sending letters she will finally have an assessment. She is transitioning to Kinder. At this point we are willing to move wherever services are⦠read more
I cannot help you with good schools in Irvine. But I can tell you. California has a lot of fantastic laws that protect parents, especially when it comes to getting records And most importantly all the paperwork involved with evaluations
Sohini, what school is he at? Is he in a autism classroom or mainstream?
I live in Irvine, CA . My son is attending Irvine unified school district for last 3 years. He did not learn anything new in the school. Thay give him speech and OT , but no use. After every 4-6 months new speech teacher and OT teacher join. He has no specific educational goals . I do everything at home, my private speech therapist is very good and my son is doing really well with her . Everyday he spends 6hrs at school and after that he learns many odd autistic behaviors from school, that is the only gain. Irvine schools are may be good for other children but not for special children. This year I like to move into homeschooling.
Anyone In Irvine, CA Know Which Elementary Schools Offer A SAI Autism Class For Mild-moderate? TIA
Which State Has The Best Public School System To Support ASD Kids.
Has Anyone Moved Out Of Their Area Specifically To Change Schools For Their Child? Was It Worth It?