Aba Full-time Or Part-time? He Seems To Be Enjoying School More! I Just Don't Know What To Do.
Aba or school?
If he’s learning and growing and enjoying school I would do aba part time 😊 socialization is great for kiddos on the spectrum.
You need to trial ABA before you make decision whether it is ABA or school
Questions like these are difficult, because every child has their own needs. I would say to go with your gut. As others said, if your child can stand school, or even really likes it, that IS invaluable. Social skills are something that the majority of autistic people struggle with on different levels. Public school (or private if you can afford it), are wonderful for developing those skills. If a good amount of the day, they struggle to stay calm, or have outbursts that come out of nowhere, maybe ABA is better. If you could do both, even better. Maybe do normal school days, and 3 days a week also do ABA. I understand that ABA is different from regular therapy (speech, occupational) and I haven’t dealt with ABA yet, but sometimes they like it. My son loved when his in home therapists came. He thought they were there to play with him all by himself lol. He was only 2-3 years old at the time. My son will be going to a public kindergarten next year, when he’s been in a special preschool 2 days a week for the last 2 years, so Im nervous, but he’ll be ok. I’ve already had a first meeting with the head of the IEP at the school, and his current teacher. Let us know if you have mad any decisions yet, or are still concerned about something specific.
That is true also
Understood. You'd be surprised how they can adapt. Not alot. By daughter has developed a much better tolerance to noise for example.
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Preschool Or ABA? Or Both?