Have Anyone Signed Up And Received Service From People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
Ok ,I understand what you are going threw and I hope you get the service your son needs
Yes, I signed for my son and myself. I did receive services from (OPWDD). I must inform you that Services they offered me were very helpful and they truly were able to provide me with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. They took a lot longer time working with my son. You must understand that my son is very difficult to work with. My son’s mental and physical condition has become worse than mine. I am 100% behind my son and supporting my son. The (OPWDD is very good and they have been very supportive to me. My abilities are greatly diminished and I’m in need of help from Specialized Occupational Therapy in more ways than just normal therapy. My son skills are very limited and he requires Specialized Specialists to take care of him. Apologize for getting off the topic. Just informing you that my son and myself have much severe issues and we require Children’s Hospitals and Specialists. Please forgive me.
I Need To Find A Opwdd Medicaid Service Coordinator In New York
Kindergarten & Disability BUT School Is Just Not Moving Fast Enough To Put Him In A SP.ED Class
Does Anybody Receive OPWDD Self Directions?