What To Do About Serious Teeth Grinding Throughout The Day?
Chewy necklaces, rings and ZVIBE! There are a range of hardness with Ark Therapeutic. My son’s teeth grinding goes up and down—we started seeing patterns over time. He tends to do it most as a coping mechanism when he is frustrated learning something new, when his acid reflux symptoms were bothering him, but he also does it because he gets sensory input from it that he likes.
Thanks everyone I will look into the different types of chewys...thanks again 🤗
@A MyAutismTeam Member sounds great the only thing with that is he is not eating solid foods due to not chewing 🤔
I had a speech therapist suggest snacking on baby carrots throughout the day. It helped a bit to relieve tension and relax jaw.
The only thing about that though, he doesn't really like soft chewy textures. He like more hard textures...🤔
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