We have had a very hard summer. My son is 9 years old , non verbal, low functioning, very irritable and aggressive all the time and has been on respirdol for quite a few years and he has had to have it increase it a lot because after a few months it doesn't help him anymore. He's tried a lot of other different meds and for some reason it made him more angry and aggressive then helping him with it. I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing seems to help. We have tried clonodine and Intuniv… read more
My son is 8 now. When he was 3 he started to become very violent. He started behavior therapy and was diagnosed with O.C.D. & O.D.D.
He progressively gotten worse. By the age of 5 he was diagnosed with ASD, A.D.H.D. Anxiety, & D.M.D.D. His Dr. Started him on Adderall, Risperdal. Later Abilify and Clonidine was added.
The meds didn't seem to help to much and if they did it didn't last lone. The Dr said his metabolism was working at a extremely fast pace so they had to increase the meds alot.
After they stopped working all together he was put on Depakote in 2015 and was also diagnosed with seizures for unknown reasons. I'm 2016 he was on Depakote, Abilify, Adderall,
Clonidine, and Sertaline til Sept. He had to go inpatient for 16 days for his violent tendencies.
He was weaned off everything. I refused to put him on anymore antiphysch med for now.
He currently takes Adderall, Clonidine, and Lexipro. It's been almost 2 months since my son started taking Lexipro and he's like a completely different kid. He is so pleasant and respectful. His tone in his voice is different. He's affectionate now. And actually helps around the house. The Dr has Lexipro listed on his paperwork to help with social issues related to Autism. I think alot of his violent and bad behaviors were due to high anxiety.
Drugs had much the same affect for my son. I started the drug route around age 8 and finally gave up on it around age 14. We tried many different drugs. Most had a negative affect, some made no difference, and one had a temporary benefit and then quit working. We found neurotherapy which made a huge difference. It did not solve all problems but it helped immensely and I got my happy kid back. My son is now 21 and his aggression and SIB are not gone but is only about once a month (compared to 30 times a day). Yea, God is good.
We too suffered thru the same meds you named. They were awful. Took our bright joyful child to an angry no fun kid. He ended up with kidney and luvervissues and we had tobstop them. Best thing ever. The joy came back.. but...he is way to wired up and talks incesstantly. Anger is much better. But still having meltdowns. So...we tried seraquil at night only. A miracle. He was calmer and more in control of himself. Without the awful effects. Sleeping well and much more manageable. Try it!
Thanks for your words. Very nice to hear. To answer your question I get no help at all. No respite or anything. I'm scared to let anyone watch my child for fear of how they will treat him.
Im really sorry you are going through this. I just want to give you a hug and let you know you are doing a great job. All those medication changes were bound to have been hell on you abd your family. What does your son enjoy at 9yrs? Our son is just 3yrs and low functioning. He loves water. I cannot advise much to you other thsn to go see your doc immediately as this is bound to be taking an effect on your health too. How are you? Do you get any respite from your son of a week? Any support at all?
Wishing you prayers and better days ahead.
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