Weird Addiction
Happy holiday everyone!!! Quick question, my 2 year lately has been peeling the paint off my wall. At first she would eat it. I got her check for lead and her levels are fine, but now she peels my walls just for the heck of it. Does anyone else have a little one that does this? If so what did you do to stop it? I've tried everything!!!
My twins did the same thing I got Velcro so they can peel away they love it
I'm just guessing here but it's probably a new way to stim for her.
You can try redirecting her to something else...usually when my little guy is doing something like that the best tactic is redirecting....find anything else of interest to get so she forgets about peeling paint...hope this helps hun.
No problem hun...glad to help
Thanks @ Liamsmom08082014
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