Anyone Know Of Something I Could Use To Protect My Sons Hands?, He Bites Them When He Is Overwhelmed
My son has been having some behavorial issues for over a year, they do seem to be getting better somewhat. he has started biting his hand when overwhelmed. it hand is starting to callus. we do have chewelrey and tubing but I was wondering if anyone would know of a protective glove fingerless or if you have any idea's on making one. the only ones I found online are more for care givers, it isn't something he would leave on for sure. any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have a link for the biomed?
I've always found when you need something and you can't find exactly what your looking for to think outside the box, for example thick garden gloves that you cut the fingers out or construction gloves that are geared towards women (much smaller) he could even pick the ones he wanted if that's an option
good luck hun
thanks I will check out the catalog for sure. he does it so fast putting food in his hand wouldn't work. he would need something protective to wear. I bought a compression glove tonight to try, not sure if it will fit. I bought the smallest size we sell, even if it doesn't supply him with compression which I am sure that he is seeking pressure as long as it gives some kind of protection. thanks for your reply greatly appreciated~ :)
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