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Rapid Eye Movement

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bay Area, CA

This might not be the right place to ask this, but it seems like people here know everything. I noticed my daughter's eyes moving left to right rapidly at times when looking out the car window. At first I freaked out, then I didn't see anything about it online, so I thought maybe it's normal and I just never noticed? But I've definitely been paying attention now, and I haven't seen anyone else with anything similar. Is this a thing?

July 4, 2016
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A MyAutismTeam Member

Oh jeez. Did you son have it when he was looking at something moving, or all the time? I looked nystagmus up, but I don't totally understand all of it.

July 15, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

It sure is a thing, it sounds a lot like Nystagmus (my son, 18, has it and it was detected when he was quite young). I suggest you consult with an ophthalmologist ASAP. Most people have never heard of it, but a few famous people have it, like Kenny Rogers, the singer from the 1960-70s.

July 15, 2016 (edited)
A MyAutismTeam Member

We'll if you call her name and she stopped, probably not a seizure. Those are usually not controllable like that. Possible a tic. Typical with ASD and ADHD diagnosed children, though I have heard some children with ASD have tics. They do them different ways, blinking eyes rapidly is usually seen too. Ask a neurologist or a psychoneurologist if it may be one. Stimming depends on the area, kinda... usually stimming is something done regardless of location. In other words, if its only done in the car, well they're bored, like a person clicking a pen over and over. but if they do it at home too, and at the park, at school, in the tub (see where im going) then its stimming. Maybe a tablet or a book in the backseat, toys. Boredness increases tics, if it is that (like the pen, which is kinda like a tic)

July 4, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

Seizure was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw it. But when I called her name she stopped. But I am going to mention it. Thank you

July 4, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

I suspect it could range from just intense focus (and nothing serious), through stimming, to even seizure activity. I hope it's nothing serious certainly, but I recommend you speak to her developmental pediatrician.
I hope it checks out ok.

July 4, 2016

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