CEASE-THERAPY VS BIO MEDICAL TREATMENT ? Trying To Figure Out Which Route To Take Here. Has Anyone Tried Either One Or Both ?
Hi @A MyAutismTeam Member, the person you want for cranio-sacral is a qualified chiropractor; the one I go to follows the McTimony method, which is a five year course and it's the only one recognised by the British Medical Board, so it is good; I'm sure you can find them over in the US too, as McTimony was actually American and that's where this practice started. Alternatively, try an osteopath, specialised in treating children, but I've never been to an osteopath, so I couldn't tell you anything about that. Any birth has the potential to damage the baby's skull, but more at risk are "assisted births", included the ones with forceps, c section, clamps or vacuums, so it is always worth checking straight after birth (which I didn't know at the time) like they do in some countries, like Germany. I don't know anything about insurance coverage, as the UK doesn't work like that (I just go private and pay).
As for homeopathic detox, there is a website you might find interesting: www.cease-therapy.com that explains what the CEASE protocol is. I have done it with Ethan and I can tell you it works IF vax are an issue. I am currently studying homeopathy myself, so if you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me. There is also a FB group called Effective Autism Treatment where you can ask qualified homeopaths questions about the treatment. Hope this helps.
@A MyAutismTeam Member, I've never heard of that myself, but if it is non-invasive and not dangerous or cripplingly expensive, give it a go; the skin is the biggest "filter organ", so sweating out toxins makes sense in principle.
Hi @GeraldineMarleyMommy. I have tried both, they are not mutually exclusive, but I found that the homeopathic approach with CEASE worked best for my son. Depending on your child's issues you can decide what to do first: if your child has gut issues/digestion/allergies I would start with diet intervention (GF/DF diet, for example). Remember that everyone is different: my son never had gut issues, I tried the GF diet and it didn't do anything for him. I also tried various supps and vits, but, again, not really much happened. When I did the CEASE protocol I realised that our issues were with vax intoxication, plus forceps damage, so we are still detoxing homeopathically and doing cranio-sacral massage. One of the plus sides of homeopathy is that there is no need for lab tests or even diagnosis or labels: a good homeopath listens to the totality of the symptoms and finds the remedy that matches your child's constitution best. Hope this helps.
Yes, I agree. Plus, you can apply for a grant from Generation Rescue!
I'm not quite sure what it is and how safe it is, but i was offered to do Infro Red Saunas' they detox via sweat and not kidneys and they also detox mercury out of the systems if there is one.... but I don't know if it's safe, did someone tried?
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