Adult Services In Metro Seattle?
Hi everyone!
Can anyone tell me about adult services in metro Seattle? I heard Seattle had decent services for adults, but seek input from folks utilizing these services for their adult children.
I've vetted a few states, and remain appalled at the dearth of services. It's scary.
Thank you in advance for your time. I know you're all busy.
Thanks Harriet. I'm in Orange County, CA, and managed to secure services for my adult son. The YMCA has s great social program
I don't know anything about adult services in Seattle. Yes adult services are hard to find anywhere as the doctors etc. think that Autism goes away after 18 years old. No it does not. Here in Maryland we've the Hussman Center for Adults with Autism which provides classes, a day camp, and a men/women's social group. My son attends there and loves it.
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