Gemiini Videos
Has anybody here had their kids watch the Gemiini videos? In debating on ordering them but they are $100 a month. Any feedback would be great.
My daughter is 2 and she's non-verbal. She's in aba and speech therapy but if I could do that home and it works I would be very happy.
And yes, it's crazy expensive.
My daughter is just starting to use pecs. (Pictures).
The thing with the week trial is they already say that you have to try gemiini for 6 months. I feel like it's going to be a scam but I feel like I have to atleast try.
They have a week trial. Might as well try that. I have been flirting with idea as well. They also talk of
Scholarships. I am a bit upset about their pricing considering the creator has 2 kids that needed it. I thought she would Be more sympathetic about making it available.
Have you considered a communication device? My daughter had one at that age and it was really amazing for her.
Gemiini Video Training Program For ASD?
Gemiini Videos
Which IPad And IPhone Speech App Should I Choose For Nonverbal Son?