Lately my sons stimming has been pretty bad. I'm use to the rocking, clapping, and vocal but it seems to have gotten more constant. He doesn't stay still long enough to concentrate a class. Any suggestions?
my sons got really bad once for about a month & half when I found out that he had, had 5 pares during the day instead of 2 & that's on top of his 7 teachers on his team. no one told me for a month & a half & the women who let it slip got written up. it was a pretty bad month for us all. not saying that it could be something big like mine, he may just have to much to deal with right now or maybe someone in his life (daycare/school/ what have you) is just marely ticking him off....good luck hun
My son stems on books, flipping pages, and moving hands. We got him an IPAD a year ago (I know its expensive, but) he no longer stems and if he does its like once a week if that and for like less than 5 minutes. He's only 4 in a half but he plays learning games that are changed every week so he doesn't get to use to them and new ones are added. Only learning games are on there and it teaches him educational activities.
homeschooling if possible.
I am a big fan of let them stem, its something they need frrm it let them do it
If this is true it might make a little sence. I do know that when my son started stemming at 7 months old he hap to have had a blood test done and yes his cortazol was not at the right lvl. Kinda has made me watch it .
How Can Stimming Be Reduced? My 4 Yr Son Started Stimmming On Threads, Toys And Now He Puts It In His Mouth Too.
Flapping - One-handed Or Two?
Can Someone Have Any Experience Or Recommend Swimming To Help With Anxiety?