I Want To Know From Other Mothers Out There. Are Your Kids Obsessed With Disney Characters?
I asked a Scientist friend of mine, who studies the brain @ The MIND Institute in California. Tony said that these "obsessions" tend to occur because the child seeks out familiarity and predictability because to the child, they equate to safety for the child. Unlike other human beings, the child does not have to put forth much effort while enjoying the predictably positive Disney characters.
Makes sense, however I think it has to be a bit more than that. Perhaps it has more to do with exposure to these characters. We didn't watch many Disney movies when my children were little, however my son loved to play with his Matchbox cars, and trains. Now it's music for both of my now adult children. My daughter is obsessed with Country Music and my son with Rap/Hip-Hop Music.
My grandson Brandon is all about disney, dosent matter who, he has been in love sence he was two, its the videos, once a week we go to a thrift store to get Disney movies, dosent matter if he already has it at home he will buy it again, The teacher at his school told me he lived in Disney World.and he was going to work to pull him out. but its been five years and hes still loves and lives disney.he is mow 12 years old and into Peter Pan.I give him a wonderful vitimin and it has done miracles for him, its helped his beheavior, he can focus. it has helped him so much .if you want to know about it e- mail me [[email: [[email: (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
Check out Ron Suskind's new book, Life Animated. It details the family's use of Disney to connect with their son. Wonderful, amazing book.
DD is obsessed with Minnie Mouse and My Little Pony. She also really likes the Disney Princesses but I wouldn't say she is obsessed with them. The funny thing is that the obsession started after she started improving in terms of her ASD. When she was little she really didn't care. But now she is a total girlie-girl.
No, but my niece is obsessed with Adventure Time at the moment. It think it's Nickelodeon?
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Asperger's TV Stars
Which Specific Cartoon/video Game/movie Characters Are Your Kids Obsessed With?