Anyone Ever Try Supplements (B6, Calcium, Magnesium, DMG) To Help Reduce Self Injury? Outcomes?
I have been doing a lot of research on the internet lately to see if there is any other natural things that may be of use to my severe autistic 13 yr old daughter for self injury. I have seen a lot of people try supplements B6, Calcium, Magnesium, & DMG and some have had a lot of success. Just wondering if anyone has tried these with their child? and the outcomes? Any negative effects?
I've given my son B6 and Magnesium together before. After a few months, it seemed to lesson his hyperactivity. I gave him DMG when he was younger, but I don't remember how well it worked.
What can I give for aggression!
@A MyAutismTeam Member. What did you replace the ricenter with. My son loves rice. Morning, afternoon and night. Behavior escalating. Eats lots of oatmeal too
ChristineL... so your son is not on any ssri's or antipsychotic meds? Your only treatment is or has been biomedical? Which is what helps your son?
Babm.. what does the genetic testing tell you?
Seeking A Social Skills Group In South NJ
PLEASE HELP: Can Any One Tell Me If Thay Tried Chelation Therapy DMPS - EDTA - DMSA For Their Child ?
Vit B6 And Magnesium