Anyone have any suggestions or recommendations about/for sibling support?
With our daughter we make special time once a month where we go out with her alone and spend the day doing whatever she wants. We also try to spend extra time with her during our sons therapy sessions to give her extra attention. We also involve her with as much of his therapy that we can without it interfering. Like if he's doing a special art project with his therapist we let her join along with him. We explain that she has to help him and that's what big sisters do. It's worked well. We will find her playing with him and trying to teach him new words or try to teach him what sharing is. She loves it. It definitely gives her a sense of joy in helping her baby brother.
They can use more special time! (That they can count on each week if possible.) This is addressed in a book called Sibling Rivalry, I think. There is a book especially for siblings of Asperger children.
What Advise Would You Give For Neurotypical Siblings Who Resent And Can't Relate To High-functioning, But Aggressive Autistic Brother?
What Do You Think Of This Article About Autism Siblings?
Need Advice From Parents With An Autistic Child That Have Went On To Have A Second Child.