Needing New Dr
I'm looking at getting my son a new pediatrician in the macomb county area that specialized with kiddos on the spectrum. My son current ped I love dont get me wrong but hes not been very helpful with tips/trick for helping me with my son, and won't give any medicine to help either with the hyperactiveness lack of sleep until hes evaluated. He wont be evaluated until sometime in nov give or take a few months.
I have tryed Melatonin, I have elminated naps unless hes sick, I put him to bed at 8 or 9pm. I do have a tv in our room, and normally turn it on with adult things like a cooking show or DIY show. I'm waiting on his weighted blanket( been having issues with the company I ordered from) He normally no matter what goes to sleep around 11ish. His ped said he would put him on clonidine after the evaluations are done :(
I'm trying to get my son evaluated by psychs but most wont until hes 4 or 5. Hes also on the list for U of M mott's childrens hospital autism center. I was told end of june sometime in july now I'm bing told november give or take some months.
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