Is There Scientific Basis For Not Using Vaccines For Fear It Correlates To Autism?
anyone know if there's any science behind it? i haven't found any, but just curious
All I have to say is this....when my boys were 2yrs old and 3 months old, they contracted whooping cough. My three month old could have died. It was tough to even get the doctors to believe me that their cough was as bad as it was, and it was at least a month before they were tested for whooping cough. Even after antibiotics, whooping cough lasts for months. My little guy projectile vomited everything that he took in, he would cough so violently that every time he coughed I thought that he was going to die. It was horrible. VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN!! Whooping cough still kills in this country. Please don't let it happen to you.
My four year old is autistic, and everyday I am happy that I vaccinated him. When he contracted whooping cough he had already had four vaccinations for it, so he didn't get nearly as sick as his little brother. My son may be autistic, but he is still alive. step daughter, when she was 2, came to my house with a bottle of liquid clonodine and methlyn (supposed to be similiar to ritalin)...her mother said this is for her autism..okay, me being the office manager at a docs office for many years, refused to give her narcotics until we had more information. Found out, she was diagnosed with autism and a million other disorders from symptoms that sounded more like terrible twos. Needless to say, we got custody a year later and I had her tested immediately. She was developmentally delayed but it was thought to be because she was neglected. She is 11 now and she is MY girl, MY daughter..I've raised her and she is NOT autistic. She is completely off an IEP now. Autism isn't just "cured". My son IS autistic and I do believe there is an hereditary component. My brother had similiar behavior but 35/40 years ago we just didn't have the information we have today. The vaccine thing does need to be addressed or at least looked into for the sake of those children who have had trouble after receiving them.
I don't have any scientific anything, but I personally know 3 children who were normal until their shots at 18-24 mos. Suddenly, these typically developing toddlers are vax damaged and the behaviors and symptoms are identical to autism.
I openly hold the opinion that autism is genetic or happens before birth. If it happens afterward, and shots are involved, then it is not true autism. My son and I were born this way. Also, if you can cure it, it's not autism.
Just my opinion, of course.
Youtube. Autism made in America explains many scierific facts. And these are pediatricians and other healthcare professionals
There's a lot of evidence that some cases of Autism is an auto-immune disorder. Many of kids have all the symptoms of severe allergies. Many kids respond well to treatments for auto-immune problems such as GFCF diet, NAET, etc.
Basically the kids auto-immune system is messed up. It makes sense that vaccinations mess with the auto-immune system especially when so many are given at one time.
Does Anyone Think Vaccines Cause Autism
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