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Top 10 search results for "nail biting" in Resources. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Pets can bring companionship and stability to kids and teens with autism. Pets can also bring fri...

Therapy Pets and Autism

Pets can bring companionship and stability to kids and teens with autism. Pets can also bring fri...
Washing hands, taking showers, and keeping up with grooming -- it's essential for children with a...

Personal Hygiene and Autism

Washing hands, taking showers, and keeping up with grooming -- it's essential for children with a...
We asked and you answered! We posted this question: What bits of "advice" do you wish people woul...

Your Answers: The Worst Advice For Parents of Children With Autism (Infographic)

We asked and you answered! We posted this question: What bits of "advice" do you wish people woul...
When a special needs child experiences a sensory meltdown, the child has no control over their be...

Handling Meltdowns and Autism

When a special needs child experiences a sensory meltdown, the child has no control over their be...
This blog is the third in a support series for parents by Marci Lebowitz, occupational therapist ...

Tips For Calming Your Child With Autism

This blog is the third in a support series for parents by Marci Lebowitz, occupational therapist ...
Keeping promises to yourself is a way to focus on self-nurture. This could mean making a commitm...

Who’s the One Person You Should Always Keep Your Promise To?

Keeping promises to yourself is a way to focus on self-nurture. This could mean making a commitm...
At age 16, climate change activist Greta Thunberg is already making international headlines and s...

What Greta Thunberg's Autism Diagnosis Does for the Rest of Us

At age 16, climate change activist Greta Thunberg is already making international headlines and s...
"How do I get my 4-year-old autistic daughter to stop hitting other kids? I am at my wit's end. D...

Social Life and Autism

"How do I get my 4-year-old autistic daughter to stop hitting other kids? I am at my wit's end. D...
While the holiday season can be exciting because it lets us break routine, thousands of parents o...

5 Practical Tips for Parents of Kids with Autism This Holiday Season

While the holiday season can be exciting because it lets us break routine, thousands of parents o...
For those with autism, social skills can be a lifelong challenge to learn. Eye contact, starting ...

Social Skills and Autism

For those with autism, social skills can be a lifelong challenge to learn. Eye contact, starting ...