Can A Chiropractor Help My Son With ASD?
My MIL told me her chiropractor has a 9 year old patient that is coming for therapy for his autism. She says he was having trouble with wetting his pants during the day and focus and has improved in both areas. Just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this? Our son has ASD and has trouble with focus.
@A MyAutismTeam Member Many years ago, my wife and I started chiropractic care for our then-11yo son with a hope of helping some tactile issues (he didn't like the feeling of his clothes and/or… read more
Is It Best To Do Half Part Time (private Or Public) School And Half ABA Therapy? Or Full Time Therapy? Son Is 4 But Still Nonverbal.
Thank you all for your feedback. This helps decide better for my son. 🙂
My 11 Year Old Non-verbal Is Obsessed With Pulling Girls Hair. Today Was The Worst Episode. We Have Tried A Lot Of Things. Any Suggestions?
Try getting him fidgets. Could just be a sensory need he is seeking
My Daughter Has Started Pulling Her Hair Out, Has Anyone Exerienced This? I'm Trying To Figure Out Why
Thank you!
Lately My Son 6, With IA Has Been Pushing And Pulling Relatives To Leave When They Come And Visit. He Gets Pretty Aggressive. What To Do?
My son did this. He would do it when myself and also a particular teacher he liked talked to other people. For him, he was a little jealous about having to share the attention of people he attached… read more
Hair Pulling 15 Years
It could be sensory
Or behavioral
My child started pulling hair out at 4 years old I started to just leave her hair out wild just to see and she stopped
Thank god her edges are finally growing back… read more
My Son,7, Keeps Pulling Hair And Grabbing People's Head To Put Near His Head. Idk What To Do. We've Tried The Nice Hands Thing And Nothing.
My 8 yr old son looooooves hair. Touching it or smelling it. One of his therapists gave him a curtain tassel to touch. He really likes it because it's soft like hair. Maybe give it a try? Or a super… read more
My son doesn't sit still. He also doesn't like loud noises such as a lawn mower, blender, vacuum, or even the bathroom fan. There is no way he'd sit still for a haircut let alone listen to a buzzer next to his ear or even let someone cut his hair. The only way I can even brush his hair is if we count each brush stroke because he loves to count. He is in dire need of a haircut because his hair is so long and messy he looks like he's homeless 😞.... Does anyone have any ideas? Or maybe some haircut… read more
This YouTube video for haircut using just clippers was very useful for us. Our son doesn't like scissors - he has gotten used to clippers now. Not super smooth, but this has been useful https://youtu.… read more
My Son Is Terrified Of Baths, And Or Water
My almost 5 1/2 year old son is terrified of water. When told he has to take a bath, he starts crying and screaming hysterically, begging " bath". He gets so upset, even in the tub, that he is visibly shaking, pupils dilated, and screaming like we are bathing him in acid or something. We have tried different temps in the water no avail. He has also been known to scream until he vomits. He is obviously extremely upset, and seems to be scared. He has had no trauma in the… read more
When our son was diagnosed, the doc said that fear is primal and may have no basis for him. Our son is often unable to say why he is afraid of something. He responds well to literal and straight… read more
My Son Keeps Pulling Hair, Help
Lately my son keeps pulling my husbands hair. We tell him "stop" & "no pulling hair" but he continues to do it. I don't know what else to do. He also has been pinching him too. He has pinched me also. But he mostly does it to his Dad. Does anyone know of any other ways to stop this behavior?
I've also had similar problems. My son is non verbal and he bites me. Not often, and only me, but hard enough to draw blood last time. Last time, I picked him up to go change his diaper and he was in… read more