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Top 10 search results for "Jean Genet" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Birth Defects And Autism

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pico Rivera, CA

Does anyone else out there have a child who was also born with a birth defect aside from being diagnosed with ASD? My daughter was born with a rare birth defect called Gastroschisis. She was born with all of her intestines, her bladder and ovaries on the outside of her body. Since there's all this research connecting ASD to the gut, I was curious if her defect could have a connection to her ASD. It's very uncommon for the two to have any correlation or it is not known. Any input would be… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Thank you so much @A MyAutismTeam Member 😄

GeneDx Autism Panel

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Phoenix, AZ

Anyone have experience with this genetic test? We were referred to a geneticist by our ped a years ago. First visit they ruled out Fragile X, Prader Willi, and confirmed no extra or missing chromosomes. At our follow up, they recommended the Autism Panel (which I didn’t know was a thing and not sure why they didn’t offer it last visit), we just have to get clearance from insurance that they’ll pay for it. Anyways, looking for any experiences you have had with this testing - what were the… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

Don't know about the specific test but my daughter was tested and she has a duplicated gene. The doctor couldn't tell us much but it helps their genetic research. I read online that people with… read more

Are There Any Other Parents On Here That Has A Child With Chromosome 15q Duplication Syndrome (Also Referred To As Dup 15q)?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Beechgrove, TN

My youngest ASD child was diagnosed with a chromosome abnormality called Chromosome 15q Duplication Syndrome (or also called Dup15q) thru genetic testing. It basically means that the person was born with an extra chromosome in there genetic makeup (instead of the normal 46 they have 47). She was a year old. I have read that researchers believe that there may be a strong link between Dup15q and ASD. I was hoping to find other Dup15q parents.

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A MyAutismTeam Member

My son has duplication15q as does his younger sibling. I was tested and have the exact duplication they do. We are all on the autism spectrum. Geneticists are finding a strong link with specific… read more

Have You Gotten Any Genetic Testing Done On Your Child?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Enid, OK

Has anyone gotten genetic testing done on your child? Yesterday we went to a geneticist and gave saliva samples. He took our family medical history. We’re doing a full genetic panel for autism and for cancer, since it runs on my side of the family.

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Same here in Canada it was very expensive I give up and I focus my money into more therapy for her.


A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Calera, AL
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A MyAutismTeam Member

Those who have ASD are often low in B12. It could correlate to having a genetic mutation of the MTHFR sequence which causes them not to metabolize B vitamins and folic acid properly. There is some… read more

Has Anyone Done A Genetic Test On Their Autistic Child To See If It Is Something Genetic That Has The Symptoms Of Autism?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pembroke Pines, FL
A MyAutismTeam Member

My daughter had a duplication of the 16th chromosome but they didn't send us more detail yet.

Is Autism Hereditary?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Clyde, NC

I want to know if ASD is hereditary, if so please let me know.

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A MyAutismTeam Member

There is some information here:

My 17 Year Old Son Has Autism And Finished High School But Everyday He Wants To Go Back To School, Is There A Achool He Can Go To?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Norwalk, CA
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A MyAutismTeam Member

When you say go back to school do you mean High School ? If so, by law your child can stay until he's 21. At least that's how I remember it.

Best Elementary School In San Diego

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Diego, CA

My brother is high functioning but is not thriving and getting bullied in his current school. Looking for better quality education for him! TIA :)

He is also a 5th grader!

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Talked to the school your brother is at.document everything thats happening with him getting bullied and if the principle dont take action theres the district that will follow up if you report the… read more

This Isn't Really The Right Forum, But Does Anyone Care To Hear About Current Hard-core (peer-reviewed) Science Around Autism?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Kansas City, KS

I'll try to keep my own bias to a minimum. Sometimes I run across articles that are intriguing, and want to share them and point out what this means.

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Apologies in advance for highjacking this post. Just wanted to share.