Is ABA Therapy Worth It?
My son had ABA during Early Intervention (at home) when he was 2.5 years old, then after school when he transferred to the school district. He didn’t like it at first, but as he got older, it really helped him. He was able to focus, and his stimming decreased. When he was in the first grade, his IEP was amended because the teacher, the IEP team and I agreed that his “behaviors” didn’t interfere with his ability to learn and complete tasks. He is 18 years old, and doing well.
Do your research, but as a parent you know your child best. 🙏🏽 I hope this helps.
What do you mean by worth it?
Aba Therapy Or School? Would Love To Hear Everyone’s Experience And Feedback
What Type Of Therapy Or Intervention Have You Found Useful For Your Child/adult Child?
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