Anyone Have A Child That’s Started With OCD Type Behaviors? I Feel Stuck Right There With Him. 😔
@A MyAutismTeam Member I will look into it. Thank you!!!
My dad and I both have some OCD tendencies. Brain Lock by Jeffrey M. Schwartz is an older but very insightful book on managing OCD.
@A MyAutismTeam Member Yes! I have definitely noticed when he is busy, he doesn’t have the thoughts as much. He doesn’t seem to do any of this while he’s at school!
I began to experience intrusive thoughts when I was 9. It's a LOT more under control these days :) I take medication for anxiety and ADHD.
@A MyAutismTeam Member the only thing he’s tried is Guanfacine. I’ve been so afraid to see if his doctor will try anything else but I need to help him 😔
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