About Pediatric Occupational Therapy
I’m wondering if any of you have seen significant improvements in your child’s skills through Occupational Therapy. I sometimes feel like my son may improve his skills on his own over time. I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences.
Thank you!
I would keep him in OT, provided it’s not a financial situation. I think all the therapies combined make a difference in all areas. It helped my oldest a lot, when she was young, with being able to open things..a water bottle, a bag of chips etc. she had significant fine motor issues. OT is also helpful with sensory issues which can prevent meltdowns.
OT has been great for my two asd sons and neurotypical daughter. My boys began OT in Early Intervention. It has continued for my oldest (3rd grade) and youngest (prek) sons. My oldest daughter had some OT in prek that helped for kindergarten and now first grade. I def recommend it.
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