What Do I Do?? Help Please
My son is the youngest of 4 boys. He is 9 years old and was clinically diagnosed as having Level 1 ASD. He was diagnosed earlier having severe anxiety, ADHD and sensory issues. I was against medication at first, but he was having such difficulty at school that he needed something to focus. His symptoms seem like they were getting better, but are now much worse. He is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He has serious emotional meltdowns that risk his safety as well as ours. Screaming, throwing… read more
I appreciate the info regarding his medication and for the encouragement!
I can relate to feeling like nothing will work & totally overwhelmed. Of the medications you mentioned, we’ve tried Focalin & Prozac. It’s trial & error with the medication. Initially my daughter’s adhd was being addressed but none of the medications worked. She was so incredibly irritable, angry, screaming etc., all the time. I felt like her mood was the biggest issue we had, not the adhd. Although anger etc. can be a symptom of any of the diagnosis, you don’t know what’s coming from where. That’s why it’s trial & error. We started Prozac 8/2023 & that’s the medication that worked for her. In addition, we made life style changes to assist with her depression. Go with your instincts. Good luck 💜
-I know he has started Prozac, it can take up to 6wks
Anyone In Irvine, CA Know Which Elementary Schools Offer A SAI Autism Class For Mild-moderate? TIA
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Any Experience With Brain Balance Program? Please Help