I Suffer From Toe Walking And Have Since I Was A Kid. I'm Working On Breaking The Habit. Any Advice?
This may help My Son and His Toe-Walking.
Is it because of sensitivity on the bottom of the feet that you Toe-Walked @A MyAutismTeam Member?
I don't but the gym I go to has treadmills. I'll look up heal drops thanks
Do u have a treadmill?? Ide say try maybe walking at incline to encourage heel first contact. I would recommend heel drops too. YouTube heel drops and you can watch video how do. 👍
I would go to foot specialist or professional doctor that dealth with before and see his opinion and they might have to do small surgery but see if they can tell you exactly what the problem is and how they going to treat it
Can Anyone Tell Me When Is The Next Meeting ? And I Have The Address As 44001 Garfield? Thank You
Angel Sense
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