What Is Your Dream For You/child? What Do You Want To Do With Time?
Mine, is for Jas to learn familiar words, like tv, bed, sofa and mainly food/eat which he did say eat. Time I spend just giving him healthy food or sometimes snacks biscuits and keeping food interesting. This would be small victories worth it but pointing is equally good
My dream is to find an accepting, patient, and hardworking Catholic man to marry, who can support me financially and emotionally. For him to be understanding in not having children, but to adopt children who need a loving home.
I would love to see my daughters have a friend, someone to go out with or have a playdate with. I would love for them to see how wonderful they are. There’s lots of things, really. Things other people would just consider normal & everyday life.
My zoomed out dream is to raise her in an environment where there is more acceptance and understanding from the people around her about Autism and what that truly means, for her to be treated with respect. Zooming in to now, she's 6 so I want her to enjoy her childhood and see the world from her perspective without being molded into conformity because it doesn't work for everyone else. I want to make sure I can advocate for her when needed and allow her to have space she can thrive in. We have a long journey ahead and I want to make sure it's a good one.
I hope that Matt will have reciprocal conversation and make a good friend one day. He likes the familiarity of having the same classmates. He has said that he likes a girl named Raquel; she’s pretty, with long curly hair. We recommend that he say hello to her.
My dream is to be mentally spiritually physically healthy and my child to have a great healthy well-being and also have a strong relationship with my son.
Anyone In Irvine, CA Know Which Elementary Schools Offer A SAI Autism Class For Mild-moderate? TIA
Good Schools In Irvine, California?
Help Ex Wont Give My Son His Meds.