SSI And How To Save For Children Who Receive Govt Benefits
I may be looking at this the wrong way, but how in the world do you save money for children and grandchildren who receive govt benefits without it effecting them? I am not interested in the govt taking my hard earned money that I saved for my autistic children or grandchildren.
We are in the same boat with Sapphire. She is adult now in her early 30's. A trust is a good idea!!
Have you looked into an AbleNow account or a special needs trust?
@Autie4Lyfe83-this must be a case by case situation because here in Illinois, a lot of the families are saying that anything you are given that has value will affect your benefits from the govt. no matter what it is?
A special needs trust allows one to set money aside without the government touching it. It's a wonderful thing :)
How does a Trust keep the govt from taking the adult female with autism's money? I don.t recall where having a trust for your autistic adult child is going to prevent state or govt people from taking the funds back based on the person's social security number.
SSI Applied For 8 Year Old. Not Denied Yet, But My Daughter Was Asked To Take Her Son To Three Different Evaluations. Is It Worth It?
Social Security Benefits
A Working Young Adult On SSI