Can My 14-year-old Verbal Autistic Son Refuse Visits With His Bio Father
Make both places 'Similar' and Welcoming.
My Son hated to go to His mom's but after I got her to follow some of the things that I do here, then He became more accepting of going over there.
You can't do anything the courts would see as "withholding" or "preventing" or "violating" any visitation agreement, but if your child can communicate why, try to get to the heart of the resistance. Dad should also make the same effort to discover why. You may need to get an objective third-party, such as a therapist or school resource involved who can try to get at the heart of the matter in a more dispassionate way. (They also become a good witness later if the visitation rights need to be revisited in court.)
I agree with James and go back to court and explain to the judge what is happening. The court could assign that the child have a room (I think) with someone assign to visit them with your x.
He should be able too a resounding yes if his father has criminal activity in the state of Texas "the age of reason" is 12 unfortunately the child is still required to testify in open court that's not easy in anyway I know I did it without knowing more I would say yes if circumstances permit it each state is different and I was not autistic as a matter of fact I was diagnosed at that time with schizophrenia and sociopathic tendency that alone wasn't enough but my father's extensive criminal charges allowed me to determine...I remember my school counselor came to that hearing the had already testified but she came just for me I will always love that woman I cried for hours she just held have a hard road I admire you for your courage and am sending some your way loosing a parent to death is hard loosing a parent like this is 10,000 times harder I'd suggest you get your kid in therapy they can help sort through the negative aspects
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