Sensory Days???
I thought the school year was going well but Liam got bad diaper rash. The attendance clerk wants to be uptight about excusing absences and reminded me I only get 10 parent notes a year when I kept him 1 day last week for diaper rash. So, yesterday I sent him and said I would happily pick him up if needed. Some staff was out but long story short seems like he busted a para's nose before the day was over. I don't want to go to truancy court over keeping him home for diaper rash. The vice… read more
You know, Our ASD Kiddo's have the ability to read others, and if the Para got a punch in the nose, I'd be questioning the schools selection in their staff.
Thanks for all the support guys!
I would try to get something in writing from his pediatrician or school psychologist or BT, OT.
Yes! Don’t give up Mom!!! I appreciate you for fighting back! No one understands what we go through in having a disabled child. Maybe you can talk to their 1:1 aid and teacher maybe you can come up with an alternative solution. That’s what I do with my daughter teachers again not all teachers or schools are the same.
He doesn't have a neurologist but I spoke to his pyschiatrist office and I think they will likely write the note..... I am.going to email them the details first thing in the morning. Yeah, honestly, pediatricians are only good for the sniffles and barely then is what I am starting to think.....I am trying to explore some curriculum and get some info on how homeschool looks in Texas.
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