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How Do You Get Your Child/adult Child To Achieve?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Healthier option?
Have you tried different pasta, quinoa or pea and quinoa or gluten free?
Isn't it unhealthy to give pasta so many times?

posted July 12
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A MyAutismTeam Member

Empowerment with immediate reward(s) when they do.
Rewards can be as simple as acknowledging their accomplishment.

posted July 16
A MyAutismTeam Member

I wish I had that answer too! My son works IT stuff from home. I continually ask him to take educational courses to keep up/possibly go into another direction w his career. The only way he will do it is if he doesn’t have to take any certification exams. Too much anxiety!! He only cleans his home to provide a nice home for his kitty🤦🏻‍♀️

posted July 13 (edited)
A MyAutismTeam Member

Robert has taken courses at the community college to receive a certificate in IT as he has a degree in computer. He did finish the course but didn't do well on the test. Also, he went to Vocational he twice and he did have a job. The problem was the counselor left and he was fired.

Now, he works at local airport cleaning and he's happy there. It's though the Chimes.


posted July 13
A MyAutismTeam Member

Hmmm... I guess it depends on what you're trying to encourage the person to achieve. As you definitely know, it's infinitely easier to get them to do stuff that they're interested in. As far as like adulting stuff (my son is only 5 so I am just basing this on me as I have aspergers)... My son's occupational therapist was actually able to help me find resources to help me as an adult. I'm not sure where you're from, but there has to be something in your area...

As for the 2nd pasta question - not sure if it's bad for offer pasta all the time... Probably. But my son is so damn picky that, even though I try to introduce a new food every week to 2 weeks, I'll still include some sort of pasta on the side just to make it less intimidating. Never tried quinoa pea, but I have tried quinoa and gluten free before and they're not bad. You should give it a whirl if you're up for it! The worst that can happen is y'all don't like it.

posted July 15
A MyAutismTeam Member

OVR in our area are not helpful. Overworked and underpaid. I’m not saying that they don’t try… but it just too hard for them to juggle so many clients.

posted July 13

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