Theme Park Trips
this month my family will be taking a trip to legoland while in Florida with my in laws. My son is aged almost 3 and level 2 autistic. He is very much a eloper with no fear..does anyone have any tips for making the park safer and more fun for him and everyone?
Hi Stephanie!
So we actually just went to Magic Kingdom with my 9 year old and 3 other munchkins and it was alot. I would definitely try to take your own stroller if you can. Theme park strollers are EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Leashes are also a great tool as above mentioned. But honestly there's so much going on at these parks that it becomes crucial to also have extra hands. PACK ONLY THE NECESSARY. I cannot stress this enough. Carrying so much is also detrimental and causes alot of stress. Clothing*** try to get neon colored SPF rashgaurds. These will keep your baby fresh and also keep him easy to spot. Eloping also tends to be worse when there is sensory overloads so Noise Canceling head phones that are comfortable I would reccomend these... pictured below. LEGOLAND is a really great sensory friendly environment but it can still become loud. Also take with you all his favorite snacks drinks because there not much variety to chose from. Lastly I would reccomend either a small batery fan OR cooling towels they are life savers. The cooling towels can be purchased on Amazon or Walmart they will help with the heat and keeping your munchkin comfortable.
Hope this helps! Have an amazing trip!
My son is also an eloper. At age 3, I would have had him in a stroller for this kind of outing. I usually try to take a bunch of preferred candy or snacks anywhere to use as a bribe or distraction when needed.
Child harness and leash?
I have asd access pass and the app for the amusement park
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