What Advise Has Really Helped You Or Information?
Only concentrate on developing what can do and not what can't do and you will achieve more
Not everything is an emergency. Let them scream until you are ready. If they are not dying they don't need immediate attention. Just check them over for bee stings/bug bites or if they have a body part pinched.
Try to do one step at a time and focus on the priority issues first, such as eating, sleeping and toileting for your kid then you can focus on the rest. Also try many strategies until one will work and reach out to find more resources in the community. Remember to be regulated and do mindfulness for you so can do more your kids. It is important to be okay and care for yourself in order to help others.
Anyone Ever Dealt With Parasites?
IPad Obsession / Meltdown Guidance?
Can Anyone Tell Me Ways To Get My 3 Year Old From Drumming (banging), On The Walls A Maybe Find Another Method From Him To Stim?