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Have You Gotten Any Genetic Testing Done On Your Child?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Has anyone gotten genetic testing done on your child? Yesterday we went to a geneticist and gave saliva samples. He took our family medical history. We’re doing a full genetic panel for autism and for cancer, since it runs on my side of the family.

posted June 16
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A MyAutismTeam Member

Same here in Canada it was very expensive I give up and I focus my money into more therapy for her.

posted June 28
A MyAutismTeam Member

There’s an online website called Gene Sight that does testing specifically for MTHFR. You need to go through a doctor as they have to authorize it. It costs about $300 unless you have insurance that will pay. It’just requires a check swab so a relatively easy way to obtain a culture from your child.

posted June 20
A MyAutismTeam Member

I have that problem with MTHFR. The geniologist made it seem like that’s not something they look into. I didn’t have any documentation available at the time. But I sure can look into getting that from my doctors office and giving it to them. Thank you for letting me know about that.

posted June 17
A MyAutismTeam Member

We have already done genetic testing but are doing more as some genetic sequences are associated with autism. Also, there is a theory about the MTHFR gene and how it impacts a child who lacks it. About 50% of people lack this but then they have a problem processing folic acid. Some doctors and scientists claim there is a connection between children that lack this gene and have folic acid introduced through their diets, vitamins, additives to common foods, etc. when they are young toddlers. it’s thought to cause neurological problems that cause autism. They’re meant to take Methylfolate instead along with B vitamins. It’s kind of complicated but worth looking into as I think most of us would consider any possibility if it could potentially help our children.

posted June 16

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