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Good Morning Precious Souls🌸 My 10 Year Old Is On Risperidone Since He Was 5. I Was Told To Give Him 1mg 3 X Daily.

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Over the years I brought him down to 1 mg daily and it was working magic and sleeping thru from 8pm to 6am. In the last week, I feel the risperidone is not working, behaviour seems to be getting worst and also waking up around 2am and sitting on the bed until about 4.30, 5am... No idea what to do. If I make an appointment to see his neurologist I have to pay R2400 in South African Rands. Money which I don't have. Hoping someone here will be able to help me with some advice to help my boy. Also… read more

posted May 31
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A MyAutismTeam Member

Is it possible he has gotten used to it, and may need an increase due to him growing?
This happens occasionally with my 10 year old. Have you brought it up to the dr?

posted June 2
A MyAutismTeam Member

Has he ever taken aripiprazole? I've been on it in tandem with sertraline for about 10 years for anxiety. It works wonders for me!

posted May 31
A MyAutismTeam Member

Change in season is hard on everyone and more ppl experience full wake ups more to the drastic seasons like summer or far as medication the body becomes more tolerant to medications as time goes on. The physical changes that occurr in puberty and pre puberty are incredibly drastic and can cause periods of unrest as well as a higher tolerance in medications. That's why most over the counter meds have age ranges on the bottles/ instructions. You've got a hard several years ahead of you. I don't envy you. Best I can suggest is A). Talk to his doctor B). Give him extra activities that will make him sleep harder C). Take a deep breath puberty sucks for all of us going through it ourselves and raising kids with it.

posted May 31
A MyAutismTeam Member

8pm to 6am might be too long for his sleep cycle. My kids are 7 and when they started waking up super early I started moving bedtime a bit later, gradually. If they don’t fall asleep in 30 mins I give them a teeny tiny bit of melatonin (using more doesn’t usually help, it just stops working after a while so I just use a sliver from a flavored 1mg tablet). I also stick to a bedtime routine. It’s not easy! I hope you get the help you need!

posted June 16
A MyAutismTeam Member

Thank you Sooo much 🙏♥️

posted May 31

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