It Seems Like Everything He Experiences, No Matter How Long Ago, Happened Just Now.
Today, I installed a new app on his tablet, something we've done dozens of times. He got extremely upset and it took him about an hour to move on. He was upset because the new app wasn't wrapped up like a present. Two years ago, on his old Android tablet, which looks nothing like his current one, the security software would make a newly installed apps icon look like a present. Once you clicked on it, the present would explode, become the real app icon and then open. His current iPad never had… read more
1st one was a Galaxy S2 6.5" Tablet, 2nd one was a Galaxy S3 9.3" Tablet, 3rd one a Galaxy S5e 10.7" Tablet and now he has an iPad Pro 12.7".
The 1st one ended up with a damaged charging port and I didn't feel like dealing with doing the smc soldering.
The 2nd one, the battery died and again didn't want to deal with it.
The 3rd one, met an untimely end, as is was accidentally stepped on.
He's had a lot of tablets, but it isn't like he's mistreated them.
He also had an old Fujitsu tablet that originally had Windows CE and I ended up putting Red Hat on it and then later Kubuntu.
Yes, I never applied it though as I was it as ar the time I had a Sony Experia Z4 tablet and was extremely satisfied with it. Matter of fact, it was the best tablet I every had and that was over 10 years ago. The best Android phone I had was the Sony Xperia Z5 Professional, but I really miss my Blackberry Storm, it had features that are just now being i.plemented on iOS and Android.
For him is does not matter the operating system: Android, iOS, OSX, Windows, Linux, Unix, OS2clone, or freeBSD. He navigates them all and understands what takes most people months if not years to figure out.
But, when it comes to educational software, iOS beats Android hands down, and that's coming from a die-hard anything but Apple fan.
I never had a BlackBerry, but I remember when they were all the rage. I had a Samsung Blackjack back in 2006 after my Motorola Razr 3 sadly got stolen :( The Blackjack was awesome. It had a Windows OS. Other honorable mentions are the HTC Sensation, Moto Z2 Force, and OnePlus 7 Pro!
Wow, cool! Nice to meet another techie :) Do you remember CyanogenMod? Ah, good memories!
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