Autistic Son Needs Braces
My son is 7 and his teeth are growing in very far apart, he is going to need braces, has anyone been in this situation? How did it go?
Oh, I should probably mention that I'm autistic, too 😉 Sensory-wise, having braces was not an issue for me at all. They did hurt a little after I had them for a day or two and things started to shift, but otherwise, I liked having them. The best past was getting the different colors of bands on the brackets! I'd get two colors on the top and two different ones on the bottom! It was a great way to express my fun side :)
I had braces! I got them later than most kids due to the fact I had some extremely stubborn baby teeth; I had my last three pulled when I was 15 and then got my upper braces just before Halloween of 10th grade and my lower ones in May of that grade. One of my canine teeth came in at 16 or 17 and then the other had to be surgically exposed so I could have a bracket and a chain attached to it, which was in turn attached to my wire so as to guide the tooth into place (it was turned sideways up inside the gum). I had that done at 25 and it finally erupted at around 27. I had my braces until I was 34...I'm pretty sure I set a record there 😛
Let me assure you, this is NOT the norm by any means! I'm an extremely rare case, in MANY ways; most people aren't born with an extra vertebra or only half a thyroid, either...I guess it hit the jackpot! 🤣 Typically, people only have braces for 2-3 years. I'm just an exception to the rule. Has your kiddo lost many baby teeth yet? I didn't start losing them until I was almost 7. I'm missing my two front teeth in my 3rd grade picture and my brother was missing them in his FIRST grade picture. Best of luck! 😊
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