How Does A Child Who Has To Go To School All Day Then ABA For 3 Hours, 3 X A Week Balance This Without Being Totally Exhausted?!!
My 7 year old son recently began ABA therapy for a minimum of 10 hours a week (crazy its minimum!!?) and so far he's doing okay but I worry it's going to be too much for him physically and mentally. That's a LONG day for a child with special needs. Does anyone else have experience with this and how did your child do? I tried to get a reduced school day so he could've left early & gone to therapy but his school district wouldn't allow for this! Also tried to get weekends for him but there weren't… read more
That's a shame that the school wouldn't work with you concerning the reduced hours. I bet that they don't do ABA during school hours either . some of these so called educators don't know how we struggle to help our kids.
My daughter is 13 and has 15 hours a week of ABA. She been doing about ABA 6 years I think. She also has 6 hours of social therapy on Saturdays. She's full time in school. They do take breaks and my daughter can be lazy at times but that's to be expected.
Overall we think the ABA is beneficial because she started at an early age when the all the experts say early intervention is best. My daughter hasn't reached the stage where she is tired of the ABA and yes she is verbal. In her free time, she wastes her time looking at stuff on the smart phone or watching cartoons we think she wouldn't be doing much with more free time. At the same it gives her time to whatever she likes to do.
I honestly don't do aba... I tried few places and its just not for us. For my daughter i feel ft school is enough.
My sister did aba for my nephew and they loved it he was doing school and 20 hrs a week no clue how he handled that many hours lol
Christiansmom2012- yes I am worried the staff there (2 YOUNG) girls are super under qualified! They seem more like babysitters than professionals. And recently my mother picked him up and asked them how he did and they just looked at each and one of them rolled her eyes!! My mom said NO, I want to know how he did and they responded "Not well"?! I told the BCBC doctor who runs facility and she blew me off basically saying they're not "allowed" to tell us in detail how he's doing as they don't hold BCBA. Ridiculous! But I have been waiting YEARS to get him ABA therapy...he's 7 yrs old still in pull ups and aggression issues, behavior issues, and behind in a lot of areas. So I'm pretty conflicted. Sry I rambled a whole lot LOL
Preschool Or ABA? Or Both?
ABA Is Starting For My 6 Year Old- How Many Hours Worked For Your Child?
Is ABA Helpful For High Functioning ASD Kids?