How To Make Brushing Teeth An Easier Task?
My asd daughter, almost 3 now, hates brushing her teeth. She is very sensitive to textures and tastes. Any toothbrushes or toothpaste that worked well for any of you? And any methods for making brushing teeth less of a dreaded task?
It's OK. Don't give up. Set a routine. We persisted with my nephew and now at 8 he doesn't miss his toothbrush. He needs help but long gone those tantrum filled nights. Even NT have sensory with brushing so perseverance pays off.
OT can help with tooth brushing. And⦠if you can and you find a willing dentist, take her to dentist 3-4 times a year and first two visits she just sits in chair and gets to know dentist and play with the equipment. I did that and now he tolerates dentist visits
Advise On Brushing Teeth
What Can I Do To Help My Son With Property Brushing His Teeth? He's Been Practicing Sense He Started Getting Teeth, He's Now 3 1/2
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