Hi, Has Anyone Used TheraPeeds In Fla? Asking For A Family From Abroad With A Tween Boy Who Is Looking Into This Center.
I am a psychologist in Santiago, Chile. The family has been given this resource to address extreme tantrums and frustration tolerance issues. The center seems very expensive. Their own testimonials give positive reviews. I an wondering whether anyone has gone through their behavioral training for individuals and families and what your experience was like?
I agree that what happens before the behavior and how it is handled play a part in maintaining the behaviors.
Im curious as to what the behavior training is called because i desperately need to do a family behavior because it would help us all to work on it together.
I have not went threw any training but i am a parent of non verbal child. I would say find out what the triggers are for the behviors, write them down and what takes places before and after. So you can adress the bhavior and tantrums in a manner in which helps the child like, redirection way before the behavior happens. An see how that gos behaviors are always hard and tantrums too because a lot is overstimulation that leads to both situations and sometimes one comes before the other. Finding out what causes it and then finding a sloution is the best bet. An it can be over something as a light is too bright and you are not bothered by the light but it overstimulates the child to a tantrum.
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