My Little Boy Is Refusing To Do Anything He Does Not Want To Do
In school he has always been cooperative. Now when there is math or writing (which he HATES) he puts his head on his desk and will not participate. Teacher tried charts reward, encouragement , schedule and nothing motivates him. At home he will not take his plate from the table to sink or anything else we ask of him. He says no no no and nothing motivates him.
His wonderful ABA therapist is having the same reaction when she has something for him to do. If he likes it he will do it. If it is… read more
Research Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). Those with this type of Autism struggle with the every day demands of life. Even if it is something they want to do, it can sometimes feel like a demand and they cannot do it. It's worth looking into.
I struggle with all of this too. My son is 18. We are truly having trouble. I was just researching PDA-ASD. Now I'm in tears and feel more lost than ever. My son fits the PDA profile to a "T".
We have done that. He does not care if we take away everything and no cookies or ice cream.
We just play hardball with our kid. If she doesn't cooperate, she can forget ice cream or playing with the smartphone. Parents have all the power you just have to use it consistently.
Anyone In Irvine, CA Know Which Elementary Schools Offer A SAI Autism Class For Mild-moderate? TIA
Good Schools In Irvine, California?
My Little Guy Is In A Phase Where When He Doesn't Get To Do What He Wants, Everything Is NO!!!